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Catholic Missal of the day: Sunday, September 18 2022

Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Book of Amos


Hear this, you who trample upon the needy and destroy the poor of the land!
"When will the new moon be over," you ask, "that we may sell our grain, and the sabbath, that we may display the wheat? We will diminish the ephah, add to the shekel, and fix our scales for cheating!
We will buy the lowly man for silver, and the poor man for a pair of sandals; even the refuse of the wheat we will sell!"
The LORD has sworn by the pride of Jacob: Never will I forget a thing they have done!



Praise, you servants of the LORD,
praise the name of the LORD.
Blessed be the name of the LORD
both now and forever.
High above all nations is the LORD;
above the heavens is his glory.
Who is like the LORD, our God, who is enthroned on high
who looks upon the heavens and the earth below?
He raises up the lowly from the dust;
from the dunghill he lifts up the poor.
To seat them with princes,
with the princes of his own people.

First Letter to Timothy


Beloved : First of all, I ask that supplications, prayers, petitions, and thanksgivings be offered for everyone,
for kings and for all in authority, that we may lead a quiet and tranquil life in all devotion and dignity.
This is good and pleasing to God our savior,
who wills everyone to be saved and to come to knowledge of the truth.
For there is one God. There is also one mediator between God and the human race, Christ Jesus, himself human,
who gave himself as ransom for all. This was the testimony at the proper time.
For this I was appointed preacher and apostle (I am speaking the truth, I am not lying), teacher of the Gentiles in faith and truth.
It is my wish, then, that in every place the men should pray, lifting up holy hands, without anger or argument.

Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Luke


Jesus said to his disciples, "A rich man had a steward who was reported to him for squandering his property.
He summoned him and said, 'What is this I hear about you? Prepare a full account of your stewardship, because you can no longer be my steward.'
The steward said to himself, 'What shall I do, now that my master is taking the position of steward away from me? I am not strong enough to dig and I am ashamed to beg.
I know what I shall do so that, when I am removed from the stewardship, they may welcome me into their homes.'
He called in his master's debtors one by one. To the first he said, 'How much do you owe my master?'
He replied, 'One hundred measures of olive oil.' He said to him, 'Here is your promissory note. Sit down and quickly write one for fifty.'
Then to another he said, 'And you, how much do you owe?' He replied, 'One hundred kors of wheat.' He said to him, 'Here is your promissory note; write one for eighty.'
And the master commended that dishonest steward for acting prudently. "For the children of this world are more prudent in dealing with their own generation than are the children of light."
I tell you, make friends for yourselves with dishonest wealth, so that when it fails, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings.
The person who is trustworthy in very small matters is also trustworthy in great ones; and the person who is dishonest in very small matters is also dishonest in great ones.
If, therefore, you are not trustworthy with dishonest wealth, who will trust you with true wealth?
If you are not trustworthy with what belongs to another, who will give you what is yours?
No servant can serve two masters. He will either hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon."

St. Thomas of Villanova(Bishop (1488-1555))

SAINT THOMAS OF VILLANOVA Bishop(1488-1555) St. Thomas was selfless and generous, innocent as a dove and wise as a serpent. He was the Archbishop of Valencia and the consultant of King Charles V. His legacy includes building hospitals for the poor, reforming ecclesiastical administration and instituting social services and safety nets. St. Thomas was a humble servant and faithful shepherd. After receiving his habit from the order of St. Augustine, he chastised some bishops for excesses and abuses of power. When he was promoted archbishop, he accepted out of obedience. As archbishop of Valencia, he established an administrative system to unify the different parishes. He also established public hospitals, orphanages and schools. He also instituted safety nets, like jobs for theunemployed and dowries for poor women. His love for families and society was motivated by serving Jesus in the poor. St. Thomas was so generous that by the time he passed away, he was the only poor person in his parish. He passed away on the Nativity of Our Lady in 1555. A poor person among the poor, this servant of men and God lives forever in the presence of Our Lord and the saints.

St. Joseph of Cupertino (1603-1663)()

SAINT JOSEPH OF CUPERTINOPriest(1603-1663) St. Joseph of Cupertino was raised by pious, humble parents. As a youth, he was noted for his chastity. He is the patron saint of struggling students after overcoming barriers to his ordination. He was admitted among the Friars Minor Conventual at the convent of Grotella, first as a lay brother because of his lack of formal education, then, by divine intervention, as a cleric. After being ordained a priest, he afflicted his body with hairshirts, disciplines and all kinds of austerities. He nourished his spirit with holy prayer. It came about that God called him to the highest level of contemplation. Notable for his obedience and detachment from material things, he cultivated and preserved his chastity despite violent temptations. He honored the Virgin Mary with a wonderful love and shone with great charity toward the poor. By order of his superiors and of the sacred Inquisition, he traversed many regions. Finally, at Osimo in Picenum, in the sixty-first year of his age, he passed into glory to be with Jesus Christ forever.


Category: Mass by Year / Catholic Missal 2022 / Catholic Missal of september 2022

Published: 2025-02-01T19:09:34Z | Modified: 2025-02-01T19:09:34Z