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Catholic Missal of the day: Saturday, March 1 2025

Saturday of the Seventh week in Ordinary Time

Book of Sirach


God from the earth created man, and in his own image he made him. He makes man return to earth again, and endows him with a strength of his own.
Limited days of life he gives him and makes him return to earth again.
He endows man with a strength of his own, and with power over all things else on earth.
He puts the fear of him in all flesh, and gives him rule over beasts and birds.
He forms men's tongues and eyes and ears, and imparts to them an understanding heart.
With wisdom and knowledge he fills them; good and evil he shows them.
He looks with favor upon their hearts, and shows them his glorious works,
That they may describe the wonders of his deeds and praise his holy name.
He has set before them knowledge, a law of life as their inheritance;
An everlasting covenant he has made with them, his commandments he has revealed to them.
His majestic glory their eyes beheld, his glorious voice their ears heard.
He says to them, "Avoid all evil"; each of them he gives precepts about his fellow men.
Their ways are ever known to him, they cannot be hidden from his eyes.



As a father has compassion on his children,
so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him.
For he knows how we are formed,
remembers that we are dust.
Man's days are like those of grass;
like a flower of the field he blooms;
The wind sweeps over him and he is gone,
and his place knows him no more.
But the kindness of the LORD is from eternity
to eternity toward those who fear him,
and his justice toward children's children
among those who keep his covenant.

Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Mark


People were bringing children to Jesus that he might touch them, but the disciples rebuked them.
When Jesus saw this he became indignant and said to them, "Let the children come to me; do not prevent them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.
Amen, I say to you, whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it."
Then he embraced them and blessed them, placing his hands on them.

St. Albinus(Bishop (+ 550))

SAINT ALBINUSBishop(469- 550) St. Albinus was from a noble family in Brittany. His virtues and piety reflected his parents' wisdom and character. He discerned a religious vocation and embraced the monastic state in Tintillant, near Angers. At 35 years old, Fr. Albinus was appointed the monastery's abbot. He had recently witnessed King Clovis' conversion and the rise of the Frankish empire. Twenty-five years later, he was consecrated bishop of Angers. He used diocesan funds to ransom parishioners who were enslaved by pirates. He also restored Church discipline and championed the cause of prisoners. As with all saints, he placed prayer first, mortified his senses and maintained recollectedness. During the third Council of Orleans in 538, Bp. Albinus procured the revival of the thirtieth canon of the Council of Epaone: Those who contracted incestuous marriages in the first or second degree of consanguinity were excommunicated. His mind relied upon the will of God rather than his own. He is the patron saint of defense against piracy.

St. David(Bishop (+ 561))

SAINT DAVIDBishop(500-589) St. David was the son of Sant, the prince of Cardigan, and of Non, from Wales. He began religious life under St. Paulinus, who was a disciple of St. Germanus. St. Germanus had been sent to Britain by Pope Celestine to counteract the Pelagian Heresy. St. David traversed Wales and the British Isles. He constructed numerous monasteries that were centers of agriculture and learning. He counteracted the Pelagian Heresy so effectively that a legend arose: A dove alighted upon him while he spoke and the earth he stood on rose so that others could hear him. The Pelagian Heresy was dissolved and definitively refuted at the Council of Orange in 529. St. David was consecrated bishop of Caerleon after St. Dubricius resigned and fixed his see at his monastery in southwestern Wales. St. David founded twelve monasteries and governed the Church according to the Roman canons. Alban Butler wrote the following narrative about his passing: "At the age of 89, he laid himself down knowing his hour had come. As his agony closed, our Lord stood before him in a vision, and the Saint cried out: 'Take me up with Thee'; and so gave up his soul on Tuesday, March 1, 589."


Category: Mass by Year / Catholic Missal 2025 / Catholic Missal of march 2025

Published: 2025-02-01T19:09:43Z | Modified: 2025-02-01T19:09:43Z