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Catholic Missal of the day: Wednesday, July 20 2022

Wednesday of the Sixteenth week in Ordinary Time

Book of Jeremiah


The words of Jeremiah, son of Hilkiah, of a priestly family in Anathoth, in the land of Benjamin.
The word of the LORD came to me thus:
Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I dedicated you, a prophet to the nations I appointed you.
"Ah, Lord GOD!" I said, "I know not how to speak; I am too young."
But the LORD answered me, Say not, "I am too young." To whomever I send you, you shall go; whatever I command you, you shall speak.
Have no fear before them, because I am with you to deliver you, says the LORD.
Then the LORD extended his hand and touched my mouth, saying, See, I place my words in your mouth!
This day I set you over nations and over kingdoms, To root up and to tear down, to destroy and to demolish, to build and to plant.



In you, LORD, I take refuge;
let me never be put to shame.
In your justice rescue and deliver me;
incline your ear to me, and save me.
Be my rock of refuge,
a stronghold to give me safety,
for you are my rock and my fortress.
O my God, rescue me from the hand of the wicked.
For you are my hope, O Lord;
my trust, O God, from my youth.
On you I depend from birth;
from my mother's womb you are my strength.
My mouth shall declare your justice,
day by day your salvation.
O God, you have taught me from my youth,
and till the present I proclaim your wondrous deeds.

Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Matthew


On that day, Jesus went out of the house and sat down by the sea.
Such large crowds gathered around him that he got into a boat and sat down, and the whole crowd stood along the shore.
And he spoke to them at length in parables, saying: "A sower went out to sow.
And as he sowed, some seed fell on the path, and birds came and ate it up.
Some fell on rocky ground, where it had little soil. It sprang up at once because the soil was not deep,
and when the sun rose it was scorched, and it withered for lack of roots.
Some seed fell among thorns, and the thorns grew up and choked it.
But some seed fell on rich soil, and produced fruit, a hundred or sixty or thirtyfold.
Whoever has ears ought to hear."

St. Apollinaris(Bishop and Martyr)

SAINT APOLLINARISBishop and Martyr(c. 2nd-3rd century) St. Apollinaris was the first Bishop of Ravenna. He sat twenty years, and was crowned with martyrdom during the reign of Vespasian. He was a disciple of St. Peter, who consecrated him the Bishop of Ravenna. St. Peter Chrysologus, the most renown of his successors, left us a sermon: Though he frequently suffered for the Faith, and ardently desired to lay down his life for Christ, God preserved Apollinaris a long time, and did not allow the persecutors to take his life. Bp. Apollinaris seems to have been a martyr only by the torments he survived. His relics lay first at Classis, four miles from Ravenna, still a kind of suburb to that city and its seaport, until it was choked by the sands. In the year 549, his relics were moved to a more secret vault in the same church. St. Fortunatus urged his friends to make pilgrimages to the tomb, and St. Gregory the Great ordered parties in doubtful suits to be sworn before it. Pope Honorius built a church in Rome under Apollinaris' name in the year 630. It occurs in all martyrologies, and the veneration of his memory testifies to his sanctity and apostolic spirit. He is the friend and intercessor of everyone who asks in faith.

St. Margaret of Antioch(Virgin and Martyr (3rd century))

SAINT MARGARET OF ANTIOCHVirgin and Martyr(3rd century) According to the ancient Martyrologies, St. Margaret suffered at Antioch in Pisidia during the last general persecution. She is said to have been instructed in the Faith by a Christian nurse, was persecuted by her own father, a pagan priest, and was executed by the sword. Her veneration was propagated in England, France, and Germany. The twelfth century saw an increase in hercult due to wars against Islamic encroachment. St. Margaret's relics are kept at Monte-Fiascone, Tuscany, central Italy.

St. Kunigunde()


Category: Mass by Year / Catholic Missal 2022 / Catholic Missal of july 2022

Published: 2025-02-01T19:09:25Z | Modified: 2025-02-01T19:09:25Z