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Catholic Missal of the day: Sunday, January 15 2023

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Book of Isaiah


The LORD said to me: You are my servant, Israel, through whom I show my glory.
For now the LORD has spoken who formed me as his servant from the womb, That Jacob may be brought back to him and Israel gathered to him; And I am made glorious in the sight of the LORD, and my God is now my strength!
It is too little, he says, for you to be my servant, to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and restore the survivors of Israel; I will make you a light to the nations, that my salvation may reach to the ends of the earth.



I have waited, waited for the LORD,
and he stooped toward me and heard my cry.
And he put a new song into my mouth,
a hymn to our God.
Many shall look on in awe
and trust in the LORD.
Sacrifice or oblation you wished not,
but ears open to obedience you gave me.
Burnt offerings or sin-offerings you sought not;
then said I, “Behold I come.”
To do your will, O my God, is my delight,
and your law is within my heart!”
I announced your justice in the vast assembly;
I did not restrain my lips, as you, O LORD, know.

First Letter to the Corinthians


Paul, called to be an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, and Sosthenes our brother,
to the church of God that is in Corinth, to you who have been sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be holy, with all those everywhere who call upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, their Lord and ours.
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint John


John the Baptist saw Jesus coming toward him and said, "Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.
He is the one of whom I said, 'A man is coming after me who ranks ahead of me because he existed before me.'
I did not know him, but the reason why I came baptizing with water was that he might be made known to Israel."
John testified further, saying, "I saw the Spirit come down like a dove from the sky and remain upon him.
I did not know him, but the one who sent me to baptize with water told me, 'On whomever you see the Spirit come down and remain, he is the one who will baptize with the holy Spirit.'
Now I have seen and testified that he is the Son of God."

St. Paul(the first Hermit († 342))

SAINT PAUL The First Hermit (c. 230-342) St. Paul was born in Upper Egypt circa 230, and became an orphan at the age of fifteen. He was very rich and highly educated. Fearing lest the tortures of a terrible persecution might endanger his Christian perseverance, he retired into a remote village. But his pagan brother-in-law denounced him, and St. Paul, rather than remain, entered the barren desert, trusting that God would supply his wants. St. Paul's confidence was rewarded: for on the spot to which Providence led him, he found the fruit of the palm-tree for food, and its leaves for clothing, and the water of a spring for drink. His first design was to return to the world when the persecution was over, but tasting great delights in prayer and penance, he remained the rest of his life - ninety years - in penance, prayer and contemplation. God revealed his existence to St. Antony, who sought him for three days. Seeing a thirsty she-wolf run through an opening in the rocks, St. Antony followed her to look for water, and found St. Paul. They knew each other at once, and praised God together. When St. Antony visited, a raven brought them a loaf, and St. Paul said, "See how good God is! For sixty years this bird has brought me half a loaf every day; now thou art come, Christ has doubled the provision for His servants." Having passed the night in prayer, at dawn St. Paul told St. Antony that he was about to die, and asked to be buried in a cloak given to St. Antony by St. Athanasius. St. Antony hastened to fetch it, and on his way back saw St. Paul rise to heaven in glory. He found St. Paul's dead body kneeling as if in prayer, with two lions digging his grave.

St. Remigius(Archbishop (438-533))

SAINT REMIGIUS Archbishop (438-533) St. Remigius, or Remi, was born of noble and pious parents. At the age of twenty-two, in spite of the canons and of his own reluctance, he was elected Archbishop of Rheims. He was unusually tall, his face impressed with blended majesty and serenity, his bearing gentle, humble, and retiring. He was learned and eloquent, and had the gift of miracles. His charity was boundless, and in toil he knew no weariness. His body was the outward expression of a noble and holy soul, with a spirit of meekness and compunction. For so choice a workman God had fitting work. The South of France was in the hands of Arians, and the pagan Franks were wresting the North from the Romans. St. Remigius confronted Clovis, king of the Franks, and converted and baptized him at Christmas, in 496. With Clovis, St. Remigius gained the whole Frank nation. St. Remi threw down the idol altars, built churches, and appointed bishops. He withstood and silenced the Arians, and converted so many that he left France a Catholic kingdom. France's king was eldest, and at the time, the only crowned son of the Church. St. Remi passed away in 533 after an episcopate of seventy-four years, the longest on record. He was reunited with his flock and the saints in heaven after leaving an indelible mark on western history.


Category: Mass by Year / Catholic Missal 2023 / Catholic Missal of january 2023

Published: 2025-02-01T19:10:25Z | Modified: 2025-02-01T19:10:25Z