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Catholic Missal of the day: Sunday, April 21 2024

Fourth Sunday of Easter

Acts of the Apostles


Peter, filled with the holy Spirit, answered them, "Leaders of the people and elders:
If we are being examined today about a good deed done to a cripple, namely, by what means he was saved,
then all of you and all the people of Israel should know that it was in the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarean whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead; in his name this man stands before you healed.
He is 'the stone rejected by you, the builders, which has become the cornerstone.'
There is no salvation through anyone else, nor is there any other name under heaven given to the human race by which we are to be saved."



Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good,
for his mercy endures forever.
It is better to take refuge in the LORD
Than to trust in man.
It is better to take refuge in the LORD
Than to trust in princes.
I will give thanks to you, for you have answered me
and have been my savior.
The stone which the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone.
By the LORD has this been done;
it is wonderful in our eyes.
Blessed is he who comes in the name of the LORD;
we bless you from the house of the LORD.
I will give thanks to you, for you have answered me
and have been my savior.
Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good;
for his kindness endures forever.

First Letter of John


Beloved: See what love the Father has bestowed on us that we may be called the children of God. Yet so we are. The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him.
Beloved, we are God's children now; what we shall be has not yet been revealed. We do know that when it is revealed we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.

Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint John


Jesus said: "I am the good shepherd. A good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.
A hired man, who is not a shepherd and whose sheep are not his own, sees a wolf coming and leaves the sheep and runs away, and the wolf catches and scatters them.
This is because he works for pay and has no concern for the sheep.
I am the good shepherd, and I know mine and mine know me,
just as the Father knows me and I know the Father; and I will lay down my life for the sheep.
I have other sheep that do not belong to this fold. These also I must lead, and they will hear my voice, and there will be one flock, one shepherd.
This is why the Father loves me, because I lay down my life in order to take it up again.
No one takes it from me, but I lay it down on my own. I have power to lay it down, and power to take it up again. This command I have received from my Father."

St. Anselm((1033-1109))

SAINT ANSELM Archbishop and Doctor of the Church(1033-1109) Anselm was a native of Piedmont, northwest Italy. When he was 15, being forbidden to enter religion, he lost his fervor, left home, and studied at various schools in France. At length, his vocation revived, and he became a monk in Bec, Normandy. The fame of Anselm's sanctity led King William Rufus, when dangerously ill, to appoint him as a confessor. The king also nominated Anselm to the vacant see of Canterbury. However, after recuperating, the king relapsed into his former sins: he plundered the Church's resources, scorned the archbishop's rebukes and forbade him from going to Rome for the pallium. Abp. Anselm attended the pallium and returned only to enter into a more bitter strife with William's successor, Henry I. Henry I claimed the right of investing prelates with the ring and crozier: symbols of the Church's spiritual jurisdiction that belong to Her alone. Worldly prelates had no scruples in calling Abp. Anselm a traitor for his defense of papal primacy and the pope's supremacy. Speaking in defense the Church and the Apostle's priestly ministry, Abp. Anselm exclaimed with calm dignity, "If any man pretends that I violate my faith to my king because I will not reject the authority of the Holy See of Rome, let him stand forth, and in the name of God I will answer him as I ought." No one took up the challenge; and to the disappointment of the king, the barons sided with Abp. Anselm, respecting his courage and seeing that his cause was their own. Sooner than yield, the archbishop went again into exile, till at last the king was obliged to submit to the feeble yet inflexible old man. In the midst of his harassing cares, Abp. Anselm found time for writings that have made him the father of scholastic theology; while in metaphysics and in science he had few equals.He is yet more famous for his devotion to our Blessed Lady, whose Feast of the Immaculate Conception he was the first to establish in the West.


Category: Mass by Year / Catholic Missal 2024 / Catholic Missal of april 2024

Published: 2025-02-01T19:10:01Z | Modified: 2025-02-01T19:10:01Z